Pens and business cards

James Armstrong

Dr. James Armstrong, Headmaster

As I begin my journey with the Legacy community, I’ve discovered that our reputation as a team of committed disciples serving the Lord by serving His children is well deserved. I am honored and humbled to serve as Headmaster at Legacy Christian Academy.

It is an exciting time at Legacy! We are here…waiting to welcome your children and family into our Christ-centered community of faith, discipline, and knowledge.  We are an independent, Christian, coeducational, college preparatory day school for students PK-12th grade. We seek to prepare young men and women for college and for life by providing challenging academic, extracurricular and co-curricular opportunities. It is our goal that they  excel in faith, virtue, character, and knowledge.

Our vision includes a passion to partner with families in preparing children to achieve their God-given destinies and to impact their world for Christ. All of our teachers and staff are fully committed to our mission, and they pour their hearts and souls into the lives of our students and families. Come see…and feel… the incredible work God is doing through the Legacy Christian Academy community. We can’t wait to see you on campus!

elem principal

Kim Dennis, Elementary Principal

Welcome to Legacy!

Welcome home!!!

I am so grateful to be back on campus and back among fellow colleagues and friends. Legacy holds such a special place in my heart. All three of my children graduated from this great school, and I was privileged to teach 3rd grade here for seven wonderful years before retiring to take care of my parents.

I look forward to partnering with parents to give children a Biblical worldview, foundational academia, and a safe place to learn and make lasting memories. We are not a perfect school, but the head of this school is a perfect Savior, and He is whom we serve. We hope you will feel His love as you journey with us.

Debbie Jean

Debbie Jean, Secondary Principal

When I first came to Legacy Christian Academy in 2006, I knew right away that it was a very special place. Over my years here, I’ve been able to incorporate Biblical principles in all of my lesson plans, pray with my classes and my students, attend Chapel on a weekly basis, and lead a girls’ small group. From then until now, I have not taken any of these opportunities for granted.

I consider it a great honor to have taught with my valued colleagues who pour their hearts into teaching everyday in their classrooms. Even while that is one of our highest goals, we are so much more than that. We are a family who supports one another above and beyond all expectations. Now as principal, I can tell you that while students at Legacy are getting the very best education in southeast Texas with a Biblical emphasis, they are also welcomed into this family atmosphere that makes Legacy so unique and exceptional. If you are contemplating your next steps for education, know that we will partner with you to cultivate the best educational opportunities for your family.

The conviction I felt about Legacy being special so many years ago has only grown since then. I know this atmosphere is rare, and I am so blessed to be a part of it!

Jeromie Grammer

Jeromie Grammer, Athletic Director

At Legacy Christian Academy, we are deeply committed to presenting Christ to each athlete so that, by God’s grace, each might grow in Christian character. This is our first priority because we are more concerned about the eternal destiny of our athletes than any other single factor. At Legacy, we recognize that the athletic field offers opportunities for growth in Christian character that does not exist in the classroom.

We desire that each athlete perceives a godly concept of success. While winning the contest is the object of planning and preparation on the part of both coach and athlete, it must not be considered as the sole measure of success. Other values, which are being built into the athlete, must be the ultimate criteria on whether or not we are truly successful.

The criteria for determining the success of each athlete will be seen in the qualities he or she is developing in his or her life. Such things as loyalty, respect for others, proper manners, perseverance, commitment, integrity, diligence, servant-hood, suitable response to crises, humility, handling victory and defeat, encouraging to others, demonstrating unconditional love, developing a work ethic, despising self-glorification, and knowing the joy of play are standards we work to instill.

Athletics is not an end in itself. It may be used either to glorify God or bring Him into shame and derision in the world’s eyes. We desire to instill in our athletes this God-centered attitude toward athletics. This will encourage them to be well-rounded student-athletes who develop interests and abilities in other areas.

On behalf of the Athletic Department, we invite you to come out and experience a new phase in your life as you pursue the possibility of a meaningful High School education here at Legacy Christian Academy.

Philippians 2:3-4

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.”