Non-Refundable Fees Schedule, Full-time Students
Item | Amount |
New Student Application Fee (PK3 – 12th) (Paid online, once Application is complete) | $300 |
PK3 & PK4- Annual Student Enrollment Fee (Paid online, once Enrollment is complete) | $400 |
K5 – 12th Annual Student Enrollment Fee (Paid online, once Enrollment is complete) Enroll before April 30, 2025 and receive a $250 discount on enrollment fee) | $750 |
PK3 – 12th Annual Security Fee (2nd child $150, 3rd child & thereafter $50) (Paid with 1st Tuition Installment) | $300 |
MS/HS Athletic Fee for first sport played (Due by the second week of official TAPPS practice) | $300 |
MS/HS Athletic Fee for each additional sport played first sport played (Due at the beginning of the sport) | $50 |
Fine Arts Fee (Advanced Classes)(Due to Legacy at time of enrollment) | $125 |
Multiple Child Discount: 2nd Child (Applied to tuition) | ($ 700) |
Multiple Child Discount: 3rd Child and each child thereafter (Applied to tuition) | ($1,000) |
Full-Time Pastoral Discount: (application fee and enrollment fee waived) In order to receive the discount, the payer must be the legal guardian of the student and provide proof on Ministry Letterhead for a discount.
Full-time Military, Veterans, and Full-time Law Enforcement or Fire Fighter Discount: (enrollment fees waived ) In order to receive the discount the payer must be the legal guardian of the student. Law Enforcement must hold a TCOLE badge/license.
Full-time Tuition Rates
(6th- 12th ONLY: enrollment in 5 or more classes constitutes full tuition; 4 classes half tuition)
Grade | Amount |
Half-Day PK3 | $4,500 |
Full-Day PK3 | $6,500 |
Half-Day PK4 | $5,960 |
Full-Day PK4 | $8,215 |
K5–5th | $9,450 |
6th–8th | $11,860 |
9th–12th | $12,695 |
Tuition Payment Options
Payment Option | Due Date |
Single Installment | August 1, 2025 |
Two Installments | August 1 & December 1, 2025 |
10 Convenient Monthly Installments | August 15, 2024 thru May 15, 2026 |
*All options require enrollment with FACTS for Auto Bank Draft. You will be asked to setup an agreement during the enrollment/reenrollment process. |
Single Class Enrollment Option 6th – 12th Grade (max of 3 classes)
Item | Fee |
New Student Application Fee (Paid online, once Application is complete, Non-refundable) | $300 |
Annual Enrollment Fee (Paid online, once Application is complete, Non-refundable) | $300 |
6th-8th Tuition (cost is per class with a maximum of 3) | $1,410 |
9th-12th Tuition (cost is per class with a maximum of 3) | $1,510 |
Enrollment Terms and Conditions - in the process of being updated for the 25-26 school year
FACTS is the largest educational financial service provider in the industry serving schools in all 50 states. They have been in business since 1986 and specialize in working with schools like ours.
FACTS website
How to set up a FACTS Payment Plan or Grant Application - in the process of being updated for the 25-26 school year