Our Homecoming Pep Rally will be on Thursday, October 10th, at 7:00 PM. We'll have our annual Bonfire to celebrate our inevitable win at the HOCO game, and the Junior class is sponsoring a silent auction and gumbo dinner to help raise funds for the junior and senior prom. Come out and support our Legacy community.

"Round two of AP Lit podcasts with Becket and The Alchemist! They did a phenomenal job!" - Mrs. Currie

Wednesdays are for WORSHIP! We love watching our Little Warriors lead chapel. First grade did a fantastic job!

Our National Honor Society is kicking off Operation Christmas Child this month! Please help us support this amazing ministry.

Our first graders LOVE computer class!!

Save the date! Our Homecoming dance is October 12th at 6:00 PM in our Dabney Gym. The theme is Roaring 20s/ Great Gatsby.

We want to thank everyone who attended our State of the School Night!

Its Library time for 3rd grade at the Elementary!

Congratulations to the students selected for the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce Junior Leadership Program: Isaiah Parcon, Kendric Vos, Averie Albanese, and Phoebe.

Our final HOCO dress-up day is "Fanatic Friday" on Friday, October 11th, 2024. If students are not participating, they must be in uniform. The spirit of the Legacy dress code applies to all dress-up days. Please refer to the family handbook.

Congratulations to our 2024 Homecoming Court!
Freshman Duchesses:
Serenity Mitchell
Jaycee Offord
Sophomore Duchesses:
Ally Graffagnino
Rain Hargraves
Julia Miranda
Junior Duchesses:
Phoebe Hood
Nancy Huynh
Sophia Rollans
Mia Roy
Senior Princesses:
Melody Abel
Mackenzie Fertitta
Ivy Hargraves
Marie Kneeland
Tawni Seelke
Kings Court:
Andrew Doss
Justin Huynh
Zane Lemoine
Durrell Taylor
Trevor Yard

Congratulations to Mackenzie Feritta on making All Region mixed choir and advancing to the next round of competition.

Congrats to Abby Yard for being chosen as September's Middle School Cheerleader of the Month.

Make sure you turn in your fundraiser packet to get your Book Buddy! Here are a few of our Kindergarten Warriors featuring their new friends.

The Secondary's fourth HOCO dress-up day is "Tacky Tourist" on Thursday, October 10th, 2024. If students are not participating, they must be in uniform. The spirit of the Legacy dress code applies to all dress-up days. Please refer to the family handbook.

The Secondary's third HOCO dress-up day is "Old vs. Young" on Wednesday, October 9th, 2024. If students are not participating, they must be in uniform. Juniors and Seniors dress as Senior Citizens, Freshman and Sophomores dress as Adults, all Middle Schoolers dress as babies.

Round one of AP Lit Literary podcasts was a success! These kids are brilliant, talented, and so funny! Today we had Frankenstein, Pygmalion, and The Sword in the Stone. I can’t wait for the next round of presentations. - Mrs. Currie

Sophomores had fun making creepy crawly worms in the chemistry lab. Winner of longest worm goes to Julia Miranda!!! Congratulations Julia! - Mrs. LaHaye

The Secondary's second HOCO dress-up day is "Class Colors" on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. Class Colors are as follows:
Seniors - Red
Juniors - Blue
Sophomores - Pink
Freshmen - Yellow
8th - Purple
7th - Orange
6th - Green
If students are not participating, they must be in uniform.

Horticulture made jelly! Students delivered their creations to several teachers and admin. Featured is Mrs. Rayne, our Secondary Admin Assistant, and Meaghan Morales(left) and Jayden Guerrero(right).