Congratulations to Addyson Smith (B-Team) and Taylor Doss (A-Team) for making MS Volleyball Player of the Week!
6 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
player of the week
Warrior Friends and Family will have their first meeting of the year tomorrow, Wednesday, August 28th, at 8:30 in the Elementary REC. Any family member interested in helping with volunteer opportunities at school is welcome to attend and learn how to get involved.
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
Book Fair Information
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
Book Fair
We want to brag on Gannon Sigler and Ben Kirkendall! We are so proud of these junior boys. They represented Legacy so well in their KFDM interviews, showcasing our six-man football team! Keep up the good work, guys; it’s going to be a great season! GO, WARRIORS! 💚💛
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
gannon and ben
Congratulations, Kason Leavins, on being selected for Congressman Babin's Students Congressional Advisory Council!
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
Our Cheerleaders have started a Kindness Club! The club's mission is to unite students and create a positive environment that the entire school can benefit from by spreading random acts of kindness and creating a kindness movement. The Cheerleaders in the Kindness Club work together to carry out different activities to make kindness cool.
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
kindness club
Congratulations to Rayleigh Duplechin on winning the girls' 18-and-under singles title in the 104th Beaumont Labor Day Tennis Classic Tournament!
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
Congratulations, Mary Spencer, on First Place in the USTA Beaumont Tennis Classic Girls 12 & under Singles.
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
mary spencer
There will be an informational meeting for parents regarding the Italy 2026 trip. The meeting will be on Thursday, August 29th, at 6:00 PM in room 109.
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
"Hallway decorating is serious competition in high school! Juniors and Freshmen are meeting and planning their HOCO hallways today 😊💚💛💚💛" - Mrs. Currie
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
MS/HS: Our first dress-up day of the year will be Thursday, August 29th, and the theme is "Anything but a Backpack." We can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! Students can wear appropriate Friday Dress.
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
anything but a backpack
Weekly Game Schedule 8/26 - 8/31
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
Game Schedule 8/26-8/31
There will be an informational parent meeting on Tuesday, August 27th, at 6:00 PM in room 105 regarding the spring Washington, DC field trip. The trip is available for all secondary students from 6th to 12th grade.
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
We are still hiring for a Head of School! Please visit our website to learn more on how to apply.
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
Week of Aug 19 Warrior Game Schedule
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
Aug 19 Game Schedule
August 20th will be our first Taco Tuesday for the Secondary Campus provided by Taco Rey! Please use the linked Google Form to place your order.
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
taco tuesday
Weekly Athletic Game Schedule 8/15-8/16
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
Weekly Athletic Game Schedule 8/15-8/16
Congratulations Brooklyn Potvin on becoming our JV Volleyball Captain and to Grace Short on making Co-Captain! 💚💛
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
Congratulations to Ivy Hargraves on becoming our Varsity Volleyball Captain and Scarlett Fry and Lizzie Vitanza on your roles as Co-Captians!!! 💛💚
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
ndnd d
Our first day of school will be tomorrow, August 15th! Elementary carpool will begin at 7:30 AM, and secondary students can come to the Dabney at 7:35 AM and report to the main building for class at 7:50 when the bell rings. We hope you enjoyed your summer, and we can't wait to see you!
7 months ago, Legacy Christian Academy
first day